Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Over the weekend I watched an interview with Robby Dawkins on Youtube. Pastor Robby has his roots in the Vineyard Church movement, which was started by John Wimbur with a congregation of 50 members. It currently stands at 2,400 congregations across 95 countries. One time at a revival meeting in Texas a Vineyard Pastor came up to Robby and asked “So Robby, what does it feel like to be one of the most polarizing figures in the Vineyard Church movement?” “Ummm… well thanks… I guess? I guess I just consider myself in good company. Because well John Wimbur was a polarizing figure at Calvary Chapel. And Chuck Smith who started Calvary Chapel was a polarizing figure at Foursquare Church. And Aimee McPherson who started Foursquare Church was a polarizing figure in her day, and you go all the way back and Jesus was about as polarizing as you get.” Pastor Robby explained that with pretty much every church revival in history, the Holy Spirit moves and sometimes those manifestations (supernatural healing, words of knowledge, other signs and wonders) make people uncomfortable. Then as that church movement grows, it gets more safe and resistant to change, so anyone who invites some of these disruptive movements of the Holy Spirit is considered “polarizing.” My life’s mission is to experience and enable others in experiencing extreme intimacy with God. Naturally that includes making disciples, so I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how to do that. My upbringing as a kid who got bullied still manifests in a fear of not being accepted. But God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. I feel like God is revealing a new roadmap for how to do his work. Lord, as we head out of Easter I thank you for the gift of your son, who rose from the dead and told us to go and make disciples. I thank you that you are alive and that you speak to us clearly on how to do your work. I submit my will to yours, and look forward to what you have in store. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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